Ken Akamatsu Refers To Gege Akutami As A Woman, Igniting A Debate About The Author's Gender

Ken Akamatsu, a mangaka turned politician, allegedly revealed the gender of Jujutsu Kaisen creator Gege Akutami in a Twitter event, labeling the mangaka a woman.

Akamatsu, who wrote Love Hina and Magical Teacher Negima!, was hosting a space where manga artists could discuss issues such as freedom of expression and political correctness. While talking with fellow authors about political correctness, the conversation turned to the topic of female mangakas in the industry.

During this conversation, Akamatsu said that Akutami is a woman.

...when I was working with ‘Samurai Deeper Kyo’ and ‘Mahou Sensei Negima!,’ half of the artists in the magazine were women.
In ‘Jujutsu Kaisen,’ there is also a woman as the author, right? Demon Slayer is also written by a woman, and I think that’s great.
— Ken Akamatsu

Source: MyJitsu

Many fans still believe Akutami is a man because of a prior interview with Bleach author Tite Kubo, in which the author spoke about attending an all-male junior and high school and used male pronouns.

Fans also point out the interview with Kendo Kobayashi, during which Akutami spoke in a male-sounding voice.

After Akutami utilized a feminine artwork in the author's introduction section in Jump, there were arguments about their gender. The debates are further fueled by the author taking persistent measures to hide their face.

Some fans also expressed their dissatisfaction with the possibility that female mangakas have to hide their faces and talk in a masculine voice in order to be accepted in the industry.

Jujutsu Kaisen


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